Project opening event

The Project opening event, held on September 6, 2024 at the Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad (MFUNS), provided the opportunity for emphasizing the importance of the objectives being reached by BloodRheoApp implementation, as well as the significance of the expected impact.

The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad, Prof. Snežana Brkić, inaugurated the event and welcomed the representatives from the Faculty of Medicine Osijek (MEFOS) with a speech, after which the attendees were addressed by the Project Manager, Prof. Biljana Vučković, who provided detailed overview of the Project implementation flow and at the same time highlighted some of the most important achievements expected to be reached. Prof. Stana Tokić has greeted the participants on behalf of the Faculty of Medicine Osijek and MEFOS representatives being present at the event. In her remarks, she touched on the importance of multidisciplinary research approach proposed by BloodRheoApp, especially underlining its potential as a foundation for development of highly specialized cross-border research team.

The meeting saw active participation from team members of both project partners and was attended by numerous health professionals. In addition to promoting the Project, the event also facilitated exchange of scientific knowledge between team members.
